Ruth Ware

This is only the second book I’ve read by Ruth Ware but neither of them have disappointed me. I will definitely be looking into her other work to complete my collection. In “It girl”, we’re following Hannah many years after the death of her best friend April back in college. The man who Hannah witnessed leave the scene of April’s death has now died in prison, proclaiming his innocence until the very end. Hannah starts having doubts about the man she’s accused of April’s murder and wonders if the killer...

  • June 3, 2024
  • 2

Hello there. It seems like you’ve stumbled into my personal abyss. Don’t worry, this version of the abyss is less about menacingly staring into your soul and more about trying to fish for the right word in the endless void of the thesaurus and then piecing those words together into relatively coherent sentences. My name is Andrea and I have been a little book goblin since I was old enough to ride a bicycle. Why until I could ride a bicycle? You see, every 2 days I would embark on...

  • May 24, 2024