Books, books, books


Hello there. It seems like you’ve stumbled into my personal abyss. Don’t worry, this version of the abyss is less about menacingly staring into your soul and more about trying to fish for the right word in the endless void of the thesaurus and then piecing those words together into relatively coherent sentences.

My name is Andrea and I have been a little book goblin since I was old enough to ride a bicycle. Why until I could ride a bicycle? You see, every 2 days I would embark on a journey across my hometown to pester the local librarian for the best mystery I’ve never read. This adventure has continued until high school when the excruciating frustration at my inability to conquer algebra started to eat away my reading time – until my reading time was no more.

But that has changed once I’ve obtained my masters degree in English literature and translation many many years later and I am now proudly (trying to be) the CEO of my very own writing abyss.

That’s where this blog comes into play. Phew. That was a long and probably redundant introduction but prologues are rarely that interesting – it’s all about the juicy bits in between the beginning and the ending.

Here on this blog you will find the following:

  • Book reviews – all books I’ve read recently (after creating this blog, before only if I re-read a novel)
  • Most months will be tailored to a topic or a theme and I will read books within the chosen topic/theme – I’m going to be honest with you, I am mostly a mood reader and some days I just wake up and think “wow I could totally read 5 books about unhinged girls doing unhinged things right now” and then dedicate a whole month to this type of book
  • Weekly top 5’s or top 10’s – random countdowns and recommendations that may or may not be related to the monthly reading theme (for example, top 5 books Sailor Moon would read)
  • Bookish prompts and challenges – a way for me to engage with my community

If you would like to become a fellow abyss minion, don’t hesitate to reach out to me on any of my social media.

Preview of May tbr


“I trust you like I’d trust that one guy who says ‘let’s split up’ in a horror movie when the power cuts” or “Mystery May”.

This month I will be reading a selection of books that I’ve been dying to read and they just so happen to conveniently fit a theme. Originally I was contemplating name this theme “Mistrust May” but it just doesn’t have a ring to it.

The first two books I will be posting the reviews of this week are Holly Jackson’s “The Reappearance of Rachel Price” and a snippet on “Kill Joy”. The other two are Ruth Ware’s “It Girl” and Riley Sager “The only one left”.

These types of thrillers/mysteries definitely tickle a particular part of my brain every time which is why I keep coming back to them. There’s just something about the inability to trust any of the characters that makes a story 10 times more interesting. Can I believe what these people are saying or am I inevitably being led to a hair-pulling conclusion? Because I definitely should’ve seen this coming 150 pages ago but I am more naive than the people who actually think that the titular guy’s idea to split up was the work of a genius.

Considering this introduction post is already about 400 words longer than I’ve originally intended it to be, I will end it here. Thank you for reading if you have made it until the end without having to fight the urge to alt+f4. Stay tuned for the reviews and fun stuff coming soon.

  • May 24, 2024